Thinking Medium

Several years ago when our pastor first came to our church he mentioned in a sermon about “thinking medium”. The concept was not to think of yourself more highly than you should, nor too low either. He summarized that in the term “think medium”. From then on I have thought about that a lot, and tend to agree with it more and more. Actually I find great comfort in the concept. I have some gifts and some accomplishments, but all in all, not that much. I also know for a fact that in many cases I am a miserable lot.

Well today I’m home sick which thankfully doesn’t happen very often, and I happened to listen to Chip Ingram on the radio this morning. I ended up checking out his website and also listened to his talk on R12. Low and behold, it basically validates the “think medium” concept in Romans 12:3-8. Nice to know the concept has real depth to it.

While thinking about goals for 2010, which I do a lot these days, I remind myself that the journey is more important than the goal itself. This sort of thinking in the proper perspective is most comforting. I would really like to accomplish a sub 5 hour 70.3 Ironman race. Maybe in doing so I could qualify for the 70.3 championship race in Clearwater Florida. If I make my goal or not, I will try to keep it in medium think.

Thought for the day while my nose is running faster than I can …


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