Team Berlin
After walking through the brandenburg gate, witnessing the memorial to the murdered Jews, standing over top of hitlers bunker, and the site of the book burning I came away with one conclusion. That is war is based almost completely on arrogance.
Thoughts like I/we are superior to you, I/we want to make a great name for ourselves, and if you do not abide with that decision we will use all forces at our disposal.
The sad fact is Berlin is full of beautiful cathedrals. Yet most of them were built as show places, not to further the cause of Christ.
However encouraging signs are also in evidence. Just behind our missionaries home exists a running and cycling trail on ground that just 20 years ago held the Berlin wall. Berlin in no way seems to cover up its brutal past. Lessons learned from it are evident for all to see.
If war is based on arrogance then peace must be based on humility. The thought that we can all get along with a reasonable amount of give and take. Freedom also seems a cornerstone of peace. Free to travel a path that once held the wall between east and west is the most encouraging sign I have witnessed to date.