Privilege and the Caribbean Supermarket
The work being done here is nothing short of
amazing. These people have zero creature
comforts, little to eat and numerous other problems, yet hope and joy was
abundant. Mountain Top Ministries is doing a serious good work here.
After a good 30 minutes of hugging kids we finally were
freed up as the kids returned to class.
We then got the tour of the complete facility. Several co-workers from the ISU Library, and members from our church collected some funds in advance for the library they recently finished here. Another great privilege was meeting the two
girls my sister Sandy sponsors. You may not always get to see the investment you make here, but believe me, it feels really good to see it.
Before reloading into the van we all felt a sense of
encouragement. Just driving here had
just the opposite effect so all was well with my soul as we headed back toward
the mission house.
We stopped for lunch at the Caribbean Supermarket SA in
Petionville. In the states this would be
nice small grocery store with a particularly good bakery.
In Haiti this is an international place of prestige. Multiple armed guards outside made this
perfectly clear. Pizza, pastries and
great food is abundant.
You could easily see we were among the privileged. Well, in the way of resources since most Haitian's couldn't afford it. It was a
nice lunch, and I appreciated it, but coming from where we were just a few
miles back it seemed a bit awkward. Not that I didn't devour the pizza put before me.
If you live in the U.S. with any sort of reasonable salary
you would be among the privileged here. Yet joy and a
positive outlook is optional. Maybe,
just maybe, on the joy and hope scale those kids in the dust of Dumay have one
up on us.