Examine All Your Paths

Yesterday I rode mountain bikes with Nick, Scott and Clayton at Griffen Bike Park.  From past history I know the safest place on a twisty tight trail is right in the middle.  If you get too far on one side or the other trouble follows.  Having spent plenty of time picking myself up off the dirt I know the hard way.  

For about a month now I've spent about 15 minutes each morning reading, thinking about, and praying the Proverb of the day, and today was no exception. Proverbs 5:21 says "For your ways are in full view of the Lord and he examines all your paths."  Like mountain biking, it's safest to stay right in the middle of Gods path.  However, even there you will find problems.  Never the less, it is the only place to be.

So even while trying to stay in the middle of the trail last night I hit a big root just wrong and tasted dirt yet again.  Of course Scott had his GoPro on and recorded me picking myself off the ground.  

Sometimes you just have to pick yourself back up and dust yourself off. 

Happens ...


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