Madame Blueberry & Pioneer Days

I've met a character like Madame Blueberry from Veggie Tales fame, and I believe I’m looking at him in the mirror. 

Though her butlers (portrayed by Bob and Larry) attend to her every whim, they find themselves unable to lift Blueberry out of her ever-present doldrums. The only happiness she seems to have comes from gazing at photographs of her neighbor's possessions".  

The topic of Madame Blueberry came up this past weekend when we attended the evening Pioneer Days showcases at Fowler Park.  Somehow seeing the re-creation of a much simpler life convicted me of wanting too much.  Having recently purchased a much newer SUV and to top it off a nearly new mountain bike I am the guilty party.  All this before Christmas, do I feel convicted, well yes.

One of my goals for 2014 was to learn and put into effect the word Guilelessness.  “The quality or state of being as simple and sincere”.  Seems I have not succeed well.  While I don’t have any tattoos or plan on getting one, however if I did I think it would include this word. 

Pastor Brett’s sermon yesterday touched on the theme, I've met the enemy, and it is me.  So no more buying stuff.  Yes, I said it so here I go …

 “So get rid of every kind of evil, every kind of deception, hypocrisy, jealousy, and every kind of slander. Desire God's pure word as newborn babies desire milk. Then you will grow in your salvation.  Certainly you have tasted that the Lord is good! “ 1 Peter 2


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